Vengeful Payback - Downfall #3

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How far can a vendetta go?

"The interweaving of characters and their schemes throughout the plot was masterful..." - 5 stars

Jane’s life is going well. She’s happy and the business is going from strength to strength. Apart from one thing she desperately needs to complete her happiness, everything is good. Or it was, until slowly and surely things begin to happen which makes it clear something untoward is occurring.

A vendetta over an old score is putting Jane, her family and business at risk, but opinions as to who is behind this differs.

With suspicion pointing at anyone and everyone, it needs to be discovered who is manufacturing this never-ending stream of cleverly engineered payback before it is too late and everything she holds dear is ripped apart.

** This is the third book in the Downfall Series, but can be read as a standalone. It contains written depictions of graphic violence, sex and strong language. It also contains some themes that may be uncomfortable for certain readers.**

What people are saying about Vengeful Payback

"All three instalments would make a great movie..." - 5 stars

"Amazing read... Whatever you are doing, please continue..." - 5 stars

"On the edge of your seat..." - 5 stars

Where to buy

Ebooks and Paperbacks

Vengeful Payback is available for Kindle or to borrow on Kindle Unlimited, as well as the paperback from: